Welcome to the Carbonear Plan Review! Over the next year, we will be working with residents, community members and other stakeholders to review and update the Municipal Plan and accompanying Development Regulations. There will be many opportunities to participate in the Carbonear Plan Review to share your perspectives, insights, ideas and opinions. Keep an eye on this page for engagement events and opportunities, and join our email list to receive news and updates about the project.
Project News
Draft Engagement Complete - WWHR Coming Soon
Thank you to everyone who participated in the Draft Engagement! We appreciate all of the feedback and will be releasing a What We Heard Report in the coming weeks that details the input we received throughout the engagement. Stay tuned!
Draft Documents Released
We are pleased to announce the release of the first public drafts of the new Municipal Plan and Development Regulations. Please take some time to review the documents, and join us for the public meeting on March 21st at 6:30pm in Council Chambers . Unable to attend the public meeting?
Click here to explore alternative ways to share your feedback.
2024. 03.09
Save the Date: Upcoming Public Meeting!
The Carbonear Plan Review DRAFT documents will soon be available for public review, and we look forward to hearing your valuable feedback! This will help inform any final changes before the documents go to council to begin the formal adoption process.
Join the project team on Thursday, March 21, at 6:30 pm in Council Chambers (256 Water Street) to learn more about the project, ask questions, and share your feedback. This meeting will also be live-streamed and shared on the Town of Carbonear YouTube channel for those who are unable to join in person.
The What We Heard Report is now available. This document is a summary of the initial consultation phase of engagement and encompasses “What We Heard” from the public throughout the process. The activities undertaken in this phase generated a large amount of feedback and data. This report explores that feedback, grouped into themes. Some of this feedback will be used to inform policy decisions in the new documents, some will be passed on to the Municipality for consideration through other parts of their operations, and some of it will simply be shared to provide an accurate representation of priorities and issues identified by residents and business owners.
Initial engagement for the Carbonear Plan is now closed. Please stay tuned for a “What We Heard” report, which will be available shortly. Please also stay tuned for opportunities to engage on the first draft of the planning documents once they are released.
The Town of Carbonear is located along the eastern shore of the Bay of Verde Peninsula. The town encompasses an area of approximately 12 square kilometres, and is home to 4,696 residents.
The Town's existing Municipal Plan and Development Regulations were adopted in 2004, and provide a framework for land use and development in the town. However, numerous amendments have been made to these documents as new issues and trends have emerged, indicating the need for an update.
This is an important opportunity to establish a shared vision for the future and guide growth and development in the years to come. This is also a chance to make the Municipal Plan and accompanying Regulations easier to navigate and understand for staff, council and residents.
What is a Municipal Plan? What are Development Regulations?
A Municipal Plan is a document that describes the long-term vision for the Town through objectives and policies. The Development Regulations are provided in a companion document that sets out the various rules and regulations pertaining to development activities. Together, the documents shape our community by determining what types of development can happen there.